The SeTT ontology
language en

The SeTT ontology

Release: October 2024

This version:
Latest version:
(1) Daniela Fernanda Milon-Flores
(2) Camille Bernard
(3) Jérôme Gensel
(4) Gregory Giuliani
Imported Ontologies:
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Cite this vocabulary as Milon-Flores, D.; Bernard, C.; Gensel, J. and Giuliani, G. The SeTT ontology 1.0

Ontology Specification Draft


The negative impact of human activities on our planet has increased the interest of stakeholders-from policymakers to citizens-in monitoring and understanding local changes, including both environmental and socio-economic factors. However, these data are often complex and challenging for non-experts to interpret. We introduce the SeTT (Semantic Trajectory of a Territorial Unit) ontology to describe the semantic trajectories of Territorial Units (TUs), making this information accessible to both expert and non-expert users.

The SeTT ontology: Overview back to ToC

This ontology has the following classes and properties.


Object Properties

Data Properties

The SeTT ontology: Description back to ToC

SeTT is a multi-layer ontology specifically designed to describe the semantic trajectories of Territorial Units (TUs). It models three types of trajectories: raw, structured, and semantic. Together, these trajectories create a comprehensive framework for capturing, organizing, and analyzing the evolution of TUs across various thematic domains, thereby improving users' ability to interpret and understand complex data.

Cross-reference for The SeTT ontology classes, object properties and data properties back to ToC

This section provides details for each class and property defined by The SeTT ontology.


Attributec back to ToC or Class ToC


Trajectory components have Attributes that enhance their descriptions. The value of an Attribute is flexible enough to represent various literal values regardless of the context.
has sub-classes
External Attributes c, Intrinsic Attributes c
is in domain of
has Attribute Value dp
is in range of
has Attribute op, semantic Annotation Based On Attribute op
is disjoint with
Component c, Indicator c, Raw Trajectory c, Se T T c, Structuration Method c, Structured Trajectory c, Territorial Unit c, Thematic Trajectory c, Theme c

B E A S Tc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
Segmentation Method c, Transition Point Detection Method c

B F A S Tc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
Segmentation Method c, Transition Point Detection Method c

Break Pointc back to ToC or Class ToC


A Breakpoint is a specific type of Transition Point (TP) defined as a moment in time when an abrupt change occurs in a time series. It is used to annotate an Event.
has super-classes
Transition Point c
is disjoint with
Inflexion Point c, Interruption Point c, Regime Change Point c

Breakpoint Magnitudec back to ToC or Class ToC


A Breakpoint Magnitude is a specific type of External Attribute that quantifies the change at a Breakpoint. It is calculated as the distance between the Breakpoint and its subsequent point in time.
has super-classes
External Attributes c

Breakpoint Probabilityc back to ToC or Class ToC


BreakpointProbability is a specific type of External Attribute that indicates the likelihood of a Breakpoint occurring based on statistical analysis.
has super-classes
External Attributes c

Componentc back to ToC or Class ToC


Trajectories consist of Components, each defined by its position in the sequence, the algorithm used for its calculation, and a set of Attributes that enrich its description. In the SeTT ontology, there are three types of components: thematic, structured, and raw.
has sub-classes
Raw Component c, Structured Component c, Thematic Component c
is in domain of
has Attribute op, has External Attribute op, has Intrinsic Attribute op, has Sequence Order dp
is disjoint with
Attribute c, Indicator c, Raw Trajectory c, Se T T c, Structuration Method c, Structured Trajectory c, Territorial Unit c, Thematic Trajectory c, Theme c

Episodec back to ToC or Class ToC


An Episode is a component of the Thematic Trajectory, derived from the semantic annotation of its corresponding Segment within a Structured Trajectory. Each Episode is defined by its position in the trajectory sequence and characterized by semantic annotations that provide context for interpreting the trajectory's behavior. A set of attributes further enriches its contextual information. An Episode period culminates when an Event occurs, marking a discontinuity between Episodes.
has super-classes
Thematic Component c
is in domain of
episode Is Annotated From op
is in range of
has Episode op
is disjoint with
Event c

Episode End Datec back to ToC or Class ToC


Episode End Date is a specific type of Intrinsic Attribute that indicates the date when an Episode concludes.
has super-classes
Intrinsic Attributes c

Episode Start Datec back to ToC or Class ToC


Episode Start Date is a specific type of Intrinsic Attribute that marks the date when an Episode begins.
has super-classes
Intrinsic Attributes c

Eventc back to ToC or Class ToC


An Event is a component of a Thematic Trajectory, derived from the semantic annotation of a Transition Point within a Structured Trajectory. Each Event is defined by its position in the trajectory and comprises semantic annotations and attributes that provide context and enhance the interpretation of the Thematic Trajectory's behavior. Unlike Episodes, Events have an instantaneous duration and signify the discontinuity between Episodes.
has super-classes
Thematic Component c
is in domain of
event Is Annotated From op
is in range of
has Event op
is disjoint with
Episode c

Event Datec back to ToC or Class ToC


Event Date is a specific type of Intrinsic Attribute that specifies the date when an Event occurred.
has super-classes
Intrinsic Attributes c

Explanatory Factorc back to ToC or Class ToC


Explanatory Factors are a specific type of External Attribute that provides additional context regarding the occurrence of a Transition Point such as a Breakpoint. Various resources, such as available URLs or bibliographic citations, can be used to enrich the Event.
has super-classes
External Attributes c

External Attributesc back to ToC or Class ToC


An external attribute is an optional or supplementary characteristic that enhances the description of a component. These attributes may be added by expert users or derived from specific methods. For instance, the p-value is an external attribute derived from applying the linear regression method.
has super-classes
Attribute c
has sub-classes
Breakpoint Magnitude c, Breakpoint Probability c, Explanatory Factor c, Linear Trend Gradual Magnitude c, Linear Trend p-value c
is in range of
has External Attribute op
is disjoint with
Intrinsic Attributes c

Indicatorc back to ToC or Class ToC


An Indicator is defined as a quantitative measure that captures the status of a situation or its variations over time. In the context of a Raw trajectory, it represents the data being monitored. The concept of an Indicator is sufficiently abstract to encompass various domains, including environmental and socio-economic. Indicators correspond to the Indicator dimension of the RDF Data Cube and can exist as standalone measures or be composed of other indicators. Indicators can be further enriched with metadata such as bibliography citations, formula descriptions, and open-linked data resources.
is in domain of
has Sub Indicator op
is in range of
has Sub Indicator op, monitors Indicator op
is disjoint with
Attribute c, Component c, Raw Trajectory c, Se T T c, Structuration Method c, Structured Trajectory c, Territorial Unit c, Thematic Trajectory c, Theme c

Inflexion Pointc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
Transition Point c
is disjoint with
Break Point c, Interruption Point c, Regime Change Point c

Interruption Pointc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
Transition Point c
is disjoint with
Break Point c, Inflexion Point c, Regime Change Point c

Intrinsic Attributesc back to ToC or Class ToC


An intrinsic attribute is inherent to the component's nature. For example, in a linear segment, attributes such as the start and end points, as well as the slope, are considered intrinsic because they are essential for defining the segment.
has super-classes
Attribute c
has sub-classes
Episode End Date c, Episode Start Date c, Event Date c, Segment Duration c, Segment End X c, Segment End Y c, Segment Start X c, Segment Start Y c, Slope Direction c, Slope Intercept c, Slope Magnitude c, Transition Point X c, Transition Point Y c
is in range of
has Intrinsic Attribute op
is disjoint with
External Attributes c

Linear Regressionc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
Segmentation Method c

Linear Segmentc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
Segment c
is disjoint with
Non Linear Segment c, Seasonal Segment c, State Segment c

Linear Trend Gradual Magnitudec back to ToC or Class ToC


A Gradual Magnitude is a specific type of External Attribute that describes the magnitude of change within a Linear Trend. It is calculated by multiplying the Intrinsic attributes Slope magnitude and Segment duration.
has super-classes
External Attributes c

Linear Trend p-valuec back to ToC or Class ToC


A p-value is a specific type of External Attribute that indicates the statistical significance of a Trend line.
has super-classes
External Attributes c

Non Linear Segmentc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
Segment c
is disjoint with
Linear Segment c, Seasonal Segment c, State Segment c

Raw Componentc back to ToC or Class ToC


A Raw Component is a type of Component used to form a Raw trajectory.
has super-classes
Component c
has sub-classes
Slice c
is disjoint with
Structured Component c, Thematic Component c

Raw Trajectoryc back to ToC or Class ToC


A raw trajectory, or simply a trajectory, of Territorial Units (TUs) refers to a sequence of chronologically ordered measurements, tracking the temporal changes of domain-specific indicators. To efficiently manage large volumes of data, the Indicator measurements are represented as Observations using the RDF Data Cube vocabulary, structured across three dimensions: Time, Space, and Indicator. Pre-calculated Slices are then employed to store these Observations, each fixed over a defined period.
has super-classes
is in domain of
has Slice op, monitors Indicator op
is disjoint with
Attribute c, Component c, Indicator c, Se T T c, Structuration Method c, Structured Trajectory c, Territorial Unit c, Thematic Trajectory c, Theme c

Regime Change Pointc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
Transition Point c
is disjoint with
Break Point c, Inflexion Point c, Interruption Point c

Se T Tc back to ToC or Class ToC


The Semantic Trajectory of a Territorial Unit (SeTT) represents the collection of Thematic Trajectories associated with a Territorial Unit (TU). It is sufficiently abstract to contain Thematic Trajectories regardless of their Thematic domain. A Territorial Unit (TU) can be composed of one ore multiple SeTTs.
has super-classes
is in domain of
has Focus On op, has Thematic Trajectory op
is in range of
has Se T T op
is disjoint with
Attribute c, Component c, Indicator c, Raw Trajectory c, Structuration Method c, Structured Trajectory c, Territorial Unit c, Thematic Trajectory c, Theme c

Seasonal Segmentc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
Segment c
is disjoint with
Linear Segment c, Non Linear Segment c, State Segment c

Segmentc back to ToC or Class ToC


A Segment is a component of a Structured Trajectory, calculated from its corresponding Slice within a Raw Trajectory. Each Segment is characterized by its position in the trajectory, along with intrinsic and external attributes that provide detailed information about the Segment's properties and behavior of the data. The Segment period culminates when a Transition Point occurs, marking a discontinuity between Segments.
has super-classes
Structured Component c
has sub-classes
Linear Segment c, Non Linear Segment c, Seasonal Segment c, State Segment c
is in domain of
segment Is Calculaded From op
is in range of
episode Is Annotated From op, has Segment op
is disjoint with
Transition Point c

Segment Durationc back to ToC or Class ToC


Segment Duration is a specific type of Intrinsic Attribute that indicates the length of time over which a Segment is observed.
has super-classes
Intrinsic Attributes c

Segment End Xc back to ToC or Class ToC


SegmentEndX is a specific type of Intrinsic Attribute that specifies the x-coordinate at the conclusion of a Segment.
has super-classes
Intrinsic Attributes c

Segment End Yc back to ToC or Class ToC


Segment End Y is a specific type of Intrinsic Attribute that specifies the y-coordinate at the conclusion of a Segment.
has super-classes
Intrinsic Attributes c

Segment Start Xc back to ToC or Class ToC


Segment Start X is a specific type of Intrinsic Attribute that indicates the x-coordinate at the beginning of a Segment.
has super-classes
Intrinsic Attributes c

Segment Start Yc back to ToC or Class ToC


Segment Start Y is a specific type of Intrinsic Attribute that indicates the y-coordinate at the beginning of a Segment.
has super-classes
Intrinsic Attributes c

Segmentation Methodc back to ToC or Class ToC


A computational process is used to organize a raw trajectory into distinct segments. Examples of segmentation methods are BFAST (Breaks for Additive Season and Trend), BEAST (Bayesian Ensemble Algorithm for Change-Point Detection and Time Series Decomposition), and Linear Regression.
has super-classes
Structuration Method c
has sub-classes
B E A S T c, B F A S T c, Linear Regression c
is in range of
calculated Using Segment Method op

Slicec back to ToC or Class ToC


Pre-calculated Slices are components of the Raw trajectory which offers an efficient method for storing data, originally organized in RDF data cubes across the dimensions of Space, Time, and Indicator. The detected Transition Points define each slice time period. Importantly, Slices are used to calculate the Segment component within the Structured trajectory.
has super-classes
Raw Component c
is in range of
has Slice op, segment Is Calculaded From op, transition Point Delimit Slice op

Slope Directionc back to ToC or Class ToC


Slope Direction is a specific type of Intrinsic Attribute that describes the direction of the slope within a Trend Segment, indicating whether it is increasing or decreasing.
has super-classes
Intrinsic Attributes c

Slope Interceptc back to ToC or Class ToC


Slope Intercept is a specific type of Intrinsic Attribute. In the context of a linear trend, the Slope Intercept is the y-value at which the trend line intersects the y-axis when the x-value is zero.
has super-classes
Intrinsic Attributes c

Slope Magnitudec back to ToC or Class ToC


The slope magnitude is a specific type of intrinsic attribute that represents the absolute numerical value of the slope.
has super-classes
Intrinsic Attributes c

State Segmentc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
Segment c
is disjoint with
Linear Segment c, Non Linear Segment c, Seasonal Segment c

Structured Componentc back to ToC or Class ToC


A Structured Component is a type of Component used to form a Structured trajectory.
has super-classes
Component c
has sub-classes
Segment c, Transition Point c
is disjoint with
Raw Component c, Thematic Component c

Structured Trajectoryc back to ToC or Class ToC


A Structured trajectory results from organizing a Raw trajectory into a more structured format. It alternates between a chronologically ordered sequence of Segments and Transition Points, always concluding with a Segment. If no Transition Point is detected, the Structured Trajectory consists solely of a single Segment, indicating no transitional changes within the sequence.
has super-classes
is in domain of
calculated Using Segment Method op, calculated Using Transition Point Method op, has Segment op, has Transition Point op
is disjoint with
Attribute c, Component c, Indicator c, Raw Trajectory c, Se T T c, Structuration Method c, Territorial Unit c, Thematic Trajectory c, Theme c

Territorial Unitc back to ToC or Class ToC


A Territorial Unit (TU) denotes a geographic area at the lowest level of administrative division (e.g., municipalities, sub-districts, townships). TUs are spatially fixed entities, although they may evolve over time due to environmental shifts (e.g., land use changes, climate effects) or socioeconomic factors (e.g., population dynamics). To approach cases where TU boundaries are not permanently fixed, we exploit the Territorial Statistical Nomenclature (TSN) ontology, specifically the tsn:UnitVersion class, which describes a unique representation of a Territorial Unit that remains stable for a defined period. TUs are composed of one or more SeTT.
has super-classes
is in domain of
has Se T T op
is disjoint with
Attribute c, Component c, Indicator c, Raw Trajectory c, Se T T c, Structuration Method c, Structured Trajectory c, Thematic Trajectory c, Theme c

Thematic Componentc back to ToC or Class ToC


A Thematic Component is a type of Component used to form a Thematic trajectory.
has super-classes
Component c
has sub-classes
Episode c, Event c
is in domain of
has Semantic Annotation op
is disjoint with
Raw Component c, Structured Component c

Thematic Trajectoryc back to ToC or Class ToC


A Thematic Trajectory is a semantically enriched representation of a Territorial Unit's (TU) trajectory, associated with a specific theme. It is derived from the annotation of a Structured Trajectory and alternates between a chronologically ordered sequence of Episodes and Events, always concluding with an Episode. A Thematic Trajectory consists solely of a single Episode if no Event is present.
has super-classes
is in domain of
has Episode op, has Event op, has Theme op
is in range of
has Thematic Trajectory op
is disjoint with
Attribute c, Component c, Indicator c, Raw Trajectory c, Se T T c, Structuration Method c, Structured Trajectory c, Territorial Unit c, Theme c

Themec back to ToC or Class ToC


A Theme characterizes the subject of a Thematic trajectory, providing a descriptive label for the whole trajectory.
has super-classes
Concept c
is in range of
has Focus On op, has Theme op
is disjoint with
Attribute c, Component c, Indicator c, Raw Trajectory c, Se T T c, Structuration Method c, Structured Trajectory c, Territorial Unit c, Thematic Trajectory c

Transition Pointc back to ToC or Class ToC


A Transition Point (TP) is a component of a Structure trajectory. Each TP is characterized by its position in the trajectory, as well as, intrinsic and external attributes that provide detailed information about its nature. Unlike Trends, TPs have an instantaneous duration, indicating that the change occurs at a precise moment. A TP marks the discontinuity between Segments.
has super-classes
Structured Component c
has sub-classes
Break Point c, Inflexion Point c, Interruption Point c, Regime Change Point c
is in domain of
transition Point Delimit Slice op
is in range of
event Is Annotated From op, has Transition Point op
is disjoint with
Segment c

Transition Point Detection Methodc back to ToC or Class ToC


A computational process is used to detect Transition Points from a Raw trajectory. Examples of Transition Points detection methods are BFAST (Breaks for Additive Season and Trend), BEAST (Bayesian Ensemble Algorithm for Change-Point Detection and Time Series Decomposition), and CCDC (Continuous Change Detection and Classification),
has super-classes
Structuration Method c
has sub-classes
B E A S T c, B F A S T c
is in range of
calculated Using Transition Point Method op

Transition Point Xc back to ToC or Class ToC


Transition Point X is a specific type of Intrinsic Attribute that denotes the x-coordinate of a Transition Point within the trajectory.
has super-classes
Intrinsic Attributes c

Transition Point Yc back to ToC or Class ToC


Transition Point Y is a specific type of Intrinsic Attribute that denotes the y-coordinate of a Transition Point within the trajectory
has super-classes
Intrinsic Attributes c

Object Properties

calculated Using Segment Methodop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has domain
Structured Trajectory c
has range
Segmentation Method c
is inverse of
is Used As Segment Method For op

calculated Using Transition Point Methodop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


episode Is Annotated Fromop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has domain
Episode c
has range
Segment c
is inverse of
segment Annotates Episode op

event Is Annotated Fromop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has domain
Event c
has range
Transition Point c
is inverse of
transition Point Annotates Event op

has Attributeop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has sub-properties
has External Attribute op, has Intrinsic Attribute op
has domain
Component c
has range
Attribute c
is inverse of
is Attribute Of op

has Episodeop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has domain
Thematic Trajectory c
has range
Episode c
is inverse of
is Episode Of op

has Eventop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has domain
Thematic Trajectory c
has range
Event c
is inverse of
Is Event Of op

has External Attributeop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has super-properties
has Attribute op
has domain
Component c
has range
External Attributes c
is inverse of
is External Attribute Of op

has Focus Onop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has domain
Se T T c
has range
Theme c
is inverse of
is Focus Of op

has Intrinsic Attributeop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has super-properties
has Attribute op
has domain
Component c
has range
Intrinsic Attributes c
is inverse of
is Intrinsic Attribute Of op

has Se T Top back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has domain
Territorial Unit c
has range
Se T T c
is inverse of
is Se T T Of op

has Segmentop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has domain
Structured Trajectory c
has range
Segment c
is inverse of
is Segment Of op

has Semantic Annotationop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has domain
Thematic Component c
has range
Concept c
is inverse of
is Semantic Annotation Of op

has Sliceop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has domain
Raw Trajectory c
has range
Slice c
is inverse of
is Slice Of op

has Sub Indicatorop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has domain
Indicator c
has range
Indicator c

has Thematic Trajectoryop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has domain
Se T T c
has range
Thematic Trajectory c
is inverse of
is Thematic Trajectory Of op

has Themeop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has domain
Thematic Trajectory c
has range
Theme c
is inverse of
is Theme Of op

has Transition Pointop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has domain
Structured Trajectory c
has range
Transition Point c
is inverse of
is Transition Point Of op

indicator Monitored Byop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


is inverse of
monitors Indicator op

Is Event Ofop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


is inverse of
has Event op

is External Attribute Ofop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has super-properties
is Attribute Of op
is inverse of
has External Attribute op

is Intrinsic Attribute Ofop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has super-properties
is Attribute Of op
is inverse of
has Intrinsic Attribute op

monitors Indicatorop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has characteristics: functional

has domain
Raw Trajectory c
has range
Indicator c
is inverse of
indicator Monitored By op

segment Is Calculaded Fromop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has domain
Segment c
has range
Slice c
is inverse of
slice Used To Calculate Segment op

semantic Annotation Based On Attributeop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has domain
Concept c
has range
Attribute c

slice Delimited Byop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


transition Point Delimit Sliceop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has domain
Transition Point c
has range
Slice c
is inverse of
slice Delimited By op

Data Properties

has Attribute Valuedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


has domain
Attribute c
has range

has Sequence Orderdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


has characteristics: functional

has domain
Component c
has range

Legend back to ToC

c: Classes
op: Object Properties
dp: Data Properties

Acknowledgments back to ToC

The authors would like to thank Silvio Peroni for developing LODE, a Live OWL Documentation Environment, which is used for representing the Cross Referencing Section of this document and Daniel Garijo for developing Widoco, the program used to create the template used in this documentation.